Invisalign: The Clear Alternative to Traditional Metal Braces

Invisalign is a very popular and effective way to correct teeth misalignment. The treatment was approved by the FDA in 1998 and was introduced to the general public in 1999. Over 7 million people, including 1.4 million teenagers, use these aligners. At Champion Orthodontics, we have fitted many patients with Invisalign braces and understand what kind of care people need.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a system that uses plastic aligner trays to guide misaligned teeth back to a more desirable position. The trays are made from proprietary BPA-free plastic that is comfortable and safe to use. They're also clear and less noticeable than traditional braces. Call our office at 919 847 7200 for more information. 

A dentist will recommend a set of aligner trays based on the patient's requirements. Most require around 12 trays to correct the problem. You need to wear every tray for two weeks before switching to the next one in the set.

Invisalign Treatment Process

The treatment is customized according to the user's requirements. Our priority is to explain what is involved in detail. We list the pros and cons, answer any questions you may have, and help you make an informed decision. Here's a look at what to expect:

  • Consultation - During the consultation, our dentist carefully examines your teeth to determine whether Invisalign is the right treatment for you. Some patients have severe misalignment and need more invasive metal braces to get the best results. 

  • Scanning - If the patient and dentist both agree that Invisalign is the right option, it's time to scan. Our dentist uses a 3D scanner to take a detailed image of your mouth. Sometimes we also take a physical mold if needed.

  • Getting Aligners - The scans are then sent to the company to create custom aligner trays. This doesn't take long, and your dentist will call you in for a fitting soon.

  • Fitting - During this session, our dentist will place the first aligner tray on your teeth to check the fit. The tray should be comfortable and not harm your gums in any way. We will ask you a few questions to make sure everything is alright before providing detailed care instructions.

We will show you the before and after results of the procedure. It will give you an idea of what to expect.

You need to visit our dentist once every four to six weeks so we can keep track of your progress. 

Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign is an appealing alternative to traditional braces because it offers several distinct benefits. Here's a brief look at them:

  • Discreet - The aligner trays are clear, so they aren't as noticeable as traditional braces. Most people won't even be able to tell from a distance.

  • Easy to Maintain - Aligner trays are removable so you can brush, floss, and follow your regular dental hygiene routine to maintain oral health. There's no need to worry about food items getting stuck in metal braces.

  • Eating Comfortably - Patients must remove their aligners during meals and if they drink anything but water. This means you have no restrictions on eating. You can enjoy hard, sticky, and crunchy food items freely.

  • Faster Treatment - The effects of Invisalign are quicker than traditional braces. The average treatment duration is around 12 months. It can take between 6 to 18 months to get the best results. Traditional braces can take up to 2 years.

  • Fewer Visits to the Dentist - Most patients need to visit a dentist every 4 to 6 weeks. Patients wearing traditional braces need to visit their dentist every 2 to 4 weeks.

This treatment is also more comfortable. You don't have to deal with hard metal digging into the soft tissues of your mouth. Invisalign is also a better option for people who engage in contact sports, like football. 

If you want to know more about braces or Invisalign, get in touch with us at Champion Orthodontics. You can call 919 847 7200 or use our contact us form to reach us.